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Jaw Joint Disorders

Jaw Joint Disorders

Many people suffer from chronic facial and neck pain as well as headaches. In some cases this pain can be due to a problem associated with the jaw joint called the Temporomandibular joint and this disorder is referred to as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMD).

The Temporomandibular joint get used a lot while speaking, chewing, and yawning. Pain around these joints can be unpleasant and may even restrict movement.

Symptoms of TMD include:

  • Pain in the jaw area during movement
  • Feeling of stuffiness in the ears causing pain or tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Frequent headaches or neck aches
  • Clicking or popping sound when the jaw moves
  • Facial swelling near the joint
  • Spasm of muscles while opening and closing of the jaw
  • A change in the bite of the teeth
  • Restricted opening of mouth or inability to close the mouth (Lock jaw)
  • If you suffer from any of the above symptoms, you should visit one of our certified dentists who are trained in diagnosing and treating TMD cases.

To maintain a healthy jaw joint follow these tips:

  • Relax your face, avoid clenching your teeth, especially when you are stressed
  • Avoid grinding your teeth – if you grind while sleeping, get a NIGHT GUARD
  • Avoid chewing gum constantly
  • Do not strain your neck while on the phone by cradling it against your head and shoulder
  • Chew food evenly on both sides of your mouth
  • Practice good posture – keep your head up, back straight, and shoulders squared

Treatment of TMD:

  • Help yourself first
  • Acupuncture
  • Splints
  • Occlusal (bite) adjustments
  • Injections
  • Surgery
  • TMJ Implants

IPR Machine

IPR-simplentThe IPR system is able to correct the bite of the upper and lower jaw by means of Splint Therapy. First the dentists takes a bite impression to send to the laboratory to make a custom-made dental plate. The plate is then connected to the IPR machine via electronic support pins to take a bite reading to display which joints in the jaw are misaligned. The machine thenmeasures the bite reading to determine the correct bite position. This information is then sent back to the laboratory to make a transparent TMD Splint, which needs to be worn continuously. Impressions need to be repeated every 2 to 3 months until a correct bite is achieved.

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